Friday, May 1, 2009

Do Something...

Summer will be a busy season this year, because I'm doing something. Not that I haven't been, but I'm making an effort to do 15 minutes of "extra~ordinary". My first SOMETHING is a new Etsy shop.

Since I'm already out gathering for my own nest, I thought I'd try finding a few things that others might enjoy having around their homes. I'm focusing on the magazine, catalog, and home design book ideas I've been studying lately to spruce up my own place, and I've already found a few little items to list.

I have more coming, but in the meantime, tell me what you think about my items, and feel free to make any suggestions or constructive criticisms that might be helpful! Really. ;-)

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

Love the Etsy shop! You inspire me! I may try something like that too! I can't think of anything I'd change. Looks great to me.

I'm tempted to buy the cow creamer for myself. It is too cute! :-)