Thursday, September 18, 2008

Grown-up plants...

Psalm 144: 12 Let our sons in their youth be as grown-up plants, And our daughters as corner pillars fashioned as for a palace.

Here is a word of encouragement from Our Faithful Father this morning.

My daughter loves my neighbor's lawn. It is like a golf course. My neighbor tends it nearly every day, mowing (always bagging), fertilizing, watering, eradicating all weeds and inspecting to make sure everything is just so.

It is beautiful, of course, and soft; all the color is even and the foliage is thick and lush. From our schoolroom window this morning, I saw my neighbor watering her lawn, crouching low holding the showering nozzle and saturating the grass like a groundskeeper, making sure the lawn was evenly wet. She is quite diligent and is enjoying the fruits of much labor.

Having just read aloud to my daughter from our literature lesson, I passed by the window glass, and was a bit jealous, seeing first my own lawn, variegated, uneven, and full of all different sorts of weeds, and then, looking on across the street to see her tending her lush landscape.

But, as quickly as the thought of envy passed through my mind, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I'm not growing a lawn, I'm growing a child. My lawn won't ever look like a well~tended golf green as long as I'm homeschooling. I probably won't have the time or money to make it so.

But, I'm putting my effort into something that lasts, something that is eternal. My focus can't be on my neighbor, and how she chooses to spend her time. I praise God for her passion; however, I must focus on His calling for my life, and hold His encouragement close to my heart and mind.

I'm so glad He chose to remind me this morning that "the grass withers and the flower fades."

I pray you are encouraged this morning, that if the enemy of our souls points out to you that which you don't have, you can hold on to the Truth and be happy and content in His good plan for your life!

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